Heredity or luck of the draw?
Updated: Jul 1, 2023
All rights reserved © 2012, 2019 Louis Antonio Abate, D.C.
One of the greatest scientific discoveries was of the DNA double-helix and subsequently of the genes within the DNA. Since that time one of the most upheld theories in modern medicine is the genetic origin of disease. The claim is that faulty DNA replication is the cause of many diseases, including cancer, causing cells to change from ‘normal’ to ‘abnormal’ and then eventually to ‘malignant.’ We have been told that because of this certain diseases are inherited through our family line. The major problem with this belief is that you can’t change your genes--they are locked in for life, your life is predetermined and you become a victim of your heredity.
However, studies in the science of Epigenetics show that genes are by no means unchangeable but that they can alter themselves in response to a person's environment. This means the DNA and therefore the biology of an organism are constantly adjusting themselves to signals from outside the cells, including energetic information arising from thoughts and beliefs. Epigeneticists view disease as not being caused by defective genes, but by non-genetic factors that alter the expression of genes without changing the DNA sequence.
If this is the case, why is it that diseases often run in families? Bruce Lipton in his book The Biology of Belief explains, and as German New Medicine states:
“Since families share the same cultural and social conditioning, the same indoctrinations, the same beliefs, and so forth, they often experience the same type of conflicts, causing the same ‘diseases.’”
Look at a family that has several generations of diabetics. Chances are you will see them eating the same types of food, thinking the same beliefs, having the same social and cultural conditioning around food and behaving in the same fashion as previous generations. Therefore, this will lead to the same physiological processes which will alter their genetic response thus “causing” the same diabetes.
In Re-Organizational Healing, the advanced healing protocol practiced by Dr. Louis Abate, we look at the inter-relationship between and organism’s structure, it’s behavior, and it’s perception. Whether in your body, in your business or personal life, at school or at play every type of structure has an associated behavior and perception. We look at the relationship of your health or illness to the structure of your body, your behaviors, and what you are thinking.
For example, if you were to put your body in the structural position of being depressed you would hang your neck, round your shoulders and slouch in the lower back. As a result you favor certain biological and physiological behaviors (such as shallow breathing, fatigue, etc) and it would be virtually impossible to perceive of anything happy or joyful.
Many people would then rush to take an anti-depressant. However, this drug alters the biochemical behavior of the body, but doesn’t alter the structure, and therefore your perception will never change. You will still be depressed, just unaware of it.
With EpiHealing™ I look at simultaneously creating change to the structure of the body, the biochemical behaviors, and the perceptions. As a result, clients will begin to change their social and cultural conditioning, choose different beliefs and make healthier choices.
By changing the beliefs, the behaviors, and the structures of your body your DNA will alter its expression so that you experience greater health and well-being regardless of what ‘dis-ease’ process may be in your family tree.
sources:,, The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton